
Du som tegner deg selv hardt med gråblyant

det bildet du tegner,

det er ikke sant

Du er myke linjer i akvarell

Som gir glede for øye

Et fargevell

Du er fargekritt på en asfalt flekk

som lyser imot oss med liv og lek

Du er regnbue med farger sju

En bro av fred

ja det er du

Du er penselstrøk fra en palett

med allverdens farger rett og slett,

så det bilde du tegnet

med gråblyant

Det er ikke deg

Det er ikke sant


Mennesker jeg virkelig ser opp til og beundrer for deres nydelige personlighet og store talenter, kan ofte røpe at de har dårlig selvbildeåååå om de bare hadde sett alt det vakre vi ser

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Paragraphs are the main building blocks of web pages. To change what this one says, just double-click here or hit Edit text. You can change the style here, too.

Website Design

Paragraphs are the main building blocks of web pages. To change what this one says, just double-click here or hit Edit text. You can change the style here, too. Of course, dragging the text will move the paragraph on the page.

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Paragraphs are the main building blocks of web pages. To change what this one says, just double-click here or hit Edit text. You can change the style here, too. Of course, dragging the text will move the paragraph on the page.

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Paragraphs are the main building blocks of web pages. To change what this one says, just double-click here or hit Edit text. You can change the style here, too. Of course, dragging the text will move the paragraph on the page.

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Design process

Paragraphs are the main building blocks of web pages. To change what this one says, just double-click here or hit Edit text. You can change the style here, too.


Paragraphs are the main building blocks of web pages. To change what this one says, just double-click here or hit Edit text. You can change the style here, too.


Paragraphs are the main building blocks of web pages. To change what this one says, just double-click here or hit Edit text. You can change the style here, too.

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Paragraphs are the main building blocks of web pages. To change what this one says, just double-click here or hit Edit text. You can change the style here, too.

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